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How to wear your hand knits: Shawls 3 ways

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A cream colored shawl with red loops

I have to admit that I’m generally useless when it comes to styling my hand knits — especially shawls. I’m the kind of person that finds one way to wear something and stick to it (in the case of shawls it’s usually bandana style, for every shape). I decided that something needed to be done, so I enlisted the help of fellow knitter and Brooklynite Carolina Carvalho-Cross. She happens to be a professional photographer who specializes in kid, family and also knitwear shoots.

Carolina and I met up on a beautiful day in Park Slope (I would say “beautiful fall day” but it was one of those days in September when it reached the 90s — not the best weather for a knitwear photo shoot, but Oh well) and she styled a few of my favorite FOs, and one of hers, to give knitters — and me — some ideas for how to wear them. We chose a variety of styles and shot me wearing them, thanks to Carlina’s help, three different ways:

Half circle

Cladonia by Kirsten Kapur

Draped over your shoulders: Shows everything off
With a shawl pin: Overlap the front ends and secure with your favorite pin (I love mine from Nicholas and Felice)
Bandana style: Wear the center portion in the front and throw the ends over your shoulders.


Timenoguy by Carolina Carvalho-Cross

Tied at the front
With a shawl pin
Bandana style: Perfect for showing off all those ruffles!

Asymmetric triangle

Drops of Honey by Janina Kallio

Shoulder drape 1: This one places the main design closer to the center.
Shoulder drape 2: This places the main design on the shoulder.
Bandana style: This one showcases the triangular shape, which is slightly off center.


Loop by Casapinka

Tied at the front
Bandana style
Scarf style: Just keep wrapping and tuck in the loose ends.

Crescent with lace

Jackson Square by Beth Kling

Tied at the front
Bandana style with curled edges
Scarf style


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3 Responses

  1. I loved seeing this…thanks for the inspiration. Unfortunately, I don’t live a lifestyle that my shawls will stay laying beautifully across my shoulders! So my usual style is bandana of some sort, just so that I can keep them on while working with K – 2nd grade students.

  2. Thanks for the (beautiful!) pics and inspiration! I generally wear crescent shape shawls bandana-style because they can be wrapped any which way. That said, I knit all shapes, not just crescents.

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