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Pay It Forward with LoLo

Have you ever been someplace like a coffee shop, ordered, and when you got ready to pay the cashier they told you it had already been paid for by someone else? What a surprise! That feels so amazing. Recently we heard from Ms. A., a registered nurse who reached out to us for support. The staff at Woodwind Hospital was experiencing severe dryness from the hospital soap and continuous handwashing. Ms. A. had heard that LoLo Bars were hand-savers, keeping hands moisturized and healthy. When Ms. A. reached out for donations, she indicated that 155 would be enough for the medical staff. Because of generous and loving Pay It Forward support, 200 LoLo To-Go Bars were sent helping the housekeeping staff as well.

Some of the messages included were:
“Thank you for being heroes!”, “YOU make a difference!”, “Thanks for taking care of us,” “I so much appreciate your selfless service.”

In the past few weeks, we have donated over 500 LoLo To-Go Bars. We want you to be the reason someone in your life feels that way. Do you know someone who deserves a Pay It Forward? If so, we’re all in.

Our “Pay It Forward” spin:

Spend $30 (subtotal, BEFORE shipping) and we’ll send a person of your choosing a free To-Go Bar.
Spend $60 (subtotal, BEFORE shipping) and we’ll send a person of your choosing free a Body Bar.
What you need to do:

Choose someone you want to receive a “Pay It Forward”.
Fill in our easy form.
What we’ll do:

-Handcraft your request with love, sign the card as you requested, and slip it in the mail.
-Send you an email which will include the tracking number so you know it’s on its way.