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What to stash this week: A mountain of love

Red and purple wildflowers at the base of a mountain, with skeins of pale pink, lilac, deep blue and red yarn.

For her installment of Knitting Our National Parks, Jensen of Sugarplum Circus chose a gorgeous image of Mount Rainier by photographer Doug Shearer of the mountain surrounded by scarlet and lilac wildflowers on a misty morning — very Valentine’s Day. Since she couldn’t decide on just one color to spotlight, she dyed up four different colors: Mountain Blush, Alpine Aster, Moody Mist and Scarlet Paintbrush. All are available to preorder individually on full skeins of Sugarplum Sock,…

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Indie Untangled 2022 Year In Review: Indie exclusives

A woman holding up a blue and purple shawl, and the words Indie Untangled 2022 Year In Review.

Projects always seem more special when you use a unique colorway that has meaning behind it. I always love seeing projects made with Indie Untangled Knitting Our National Parks yarns, or the other special colorways I’ve offered in partnership with indie dyers.

Here are some projects using special Indie Untangled colorways that were finished in 2022. Some, including the Circus Tonic Handmade and Lanivendole yarn, is still in the shop,…

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What to stash this week: Incredible Ibis

A bird with purple, crimson, teal and gold feathers and yarn in the same color.

December’s Knitting Our National Parks colorway celebrates our feathered friends. Andrea of WoolenWomenFibers was inspired by a photo of a white-faced ibis with incredible purple, crimson, teal and gold feathers, captured by photographer Leslie Scopes Anderson at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in Utah. As the young folks say, she understood the assignment! Her appropriately named Incredible Ibis is available to preorder from Indie Untangled through Friday, December 23, to ship at the end of January….

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An Indie Untangled gift guide for yarn crafters

With all the great indie made goodies out there, it can be hard to find the perfect gift for your fellow maker (or decide what you want yourself). I’ve put together a selection of products from Indie Untangled vendors, and the Indie Untangled website, to help you narrow things down. Happy shopping!

These bags from Crista Jaeckel are all ready for gifting! They are block printed on fabric by hand —…

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The 2022 KAL/CAL winners!

A collage of knitwear and the text Indie Untangled 2022 KAL/CAL Winners.

We’re so excited to share the winners of this year’s Indie Untangled make-a-long! This KAL/CAL included projects completed between June 1 and Indie Untangled on October 14. There were 14 winners in seven categories, chosen by random number generator. Here is their beautiful work.

Sweater – Adult
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What to stash this week: Yarn party

Skeins of purple, gray, yellow, blue, pink and orange yarn.

I’m so excited to debut Circus Tonic Handmade’s line of yarn for Indie Untangled! Hannah, a mom of three and former molecular geneticist based in South Australia who dyes on Australian Merino, has created special-to-IU colorways on a selection of several bases. There is Jubilee Sock, a classic 75/25 Superwash Merino and nylon sock yarn.

In addition, I’m featuring her Soiree Fingering,…

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What to stash this week: Jump in the ‘pool’

Red fish swimming in a circle and gray-blue yarn and knitting with bands of red and purple.

For her installment of the Indie Untangled Knitting Our National Parks series, Dawn of Barker Wool was inspired by an image of sockeye salmon swimming by Brooks Falls in Alaska’s Katmai National Park & Preserve. Sockeye will be dyed on Barker Wool’s BFL Fingering base, which is 100% Superwash British Bluefaced Leicester wool. The long repeats of crimson and plum can be manipulated in one of Dawn’s many assigned pooling patterns, including shawls and sweaters….

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Here’s what to make with new self-striping and assigned pooling yarn from 29 Bridges Studio

Skeins of self-striping yarn.

This is the fifth in a series of blog posts featuring the fabulous sponsors of Indie Untangled, taking place on October 14, 2022 and online. Tickets are now available!

This year, 29 Bridges Studio, one of our Indie Untangled vendors, added self-striping sock skeins to their lineup of hand-dyed yarn. You can choose from repeatable color combinations as well as beautiful one-of-a-kind skeins that use leftover dye stock as part of Mary’s no-waste process….

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What to stash this week: Socktober

A skein of variegated pinks/purples/oranges yarn with a pink mini skein.

Carolyn and Michelle of Olive & Two Ewe Studios are ready for a month that is all about the socks. They have Socktober Sock Sets that come with a full hank of sock yarn, a coordinating mini, a “Welcome to the Sock Side” bag and an exclusive Socktober acrylic pin. They also have two free downloads — a Socktober Sock Coloring Page that allows you to plan out future socks and a Sock Journal Page that you can use to jot down notes,…

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