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My dog was not a knitter

I was a knitter long before I was a dog mom. As when welcoming any new member of the family, adjustments had to be made with his arrival. I love knitting with wool, and Jake loved the smell of sheep. He soon learned that I had tasty woolly snacks all over the house, some rolled into balls perfect for munching, and some worked into elaborate meals with sleeves that could be dragged around and enjoyed slowly. Jake’s not with us anymore, but his love of woolly snacks came rushing back when I saw this fabric with it’s well-behaved, warm and cozy pooches. I thought of how they can look so innocent one second and tear your hard work to shreds the next, and the Bad Dog, No No! project bag followed. I embroidered a cozy sweater in Jake’s favorite, wool, over one of the dogs, and added a little snack to his too-innocent face. This is truly one of a kind, and the perfect bag for the “if you know, you know” knitter out there.

I’ve also added an extra large bag to my most recent drop, perfect for blanket projects or carrying several projects at once. New stitch markers and framed bags round out this pretty collection. Please have a look, and be sure to keep your projects safe from your beloved best friend.