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The Woolen Rabbit “Women in History” Yarn Club 2018

This year we are going to take a brand new journey down that Rabbit Hole….
“Women in History”

Five popular yarn designers have agreed to join along and create a pattern based on a woman in history that made an impression on them.

As always, the yarns, patterns and the colors are completely designer driven and the yarns they have chosen are nice ones. The colorways will be created based on the color inspiration that each designer sends me, whether with pictures of descriptions. I love designing colorways this way!

The names of the women and yarns will be listed as they are given to me by the designers.

Each shipment will contain the yarn, a unique pattern and a special art card tucked in.

This is the order of the mailings:

January ~ The Healthy Knitter ~ Sporty Grace
March ~ Skeinwalker ~ Opulence
June ~ Paulina P Designs ~ Single Ply Yan fingering yarn (brand new yarn!)
September ~ AliciaPlum ~ Heron
December ~ Blue Bee Studio ~ TBA

The yarn colorway in that base and the pattern will remain exclusive for six months after it is shipped. Each shipment will ship out approximately the third week of each month. We will allow for an additional skein of yarn to be added to save on shipment at the same time. 🙂

You can order this extra skein for all shipments or for just one… you choose. (U.S. only — due to high shipping costs we will have to charge additional postage on international packages.)

We will also offer a choice of two forms of payment, either a one time payment that is discounted or a bimonthly installment.